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Up Coming Events
- SHPE General Body Meeting
Bi-Weekly at 6pm
Snell 169
Next Meeting: February 24th, 2004.
- SHPE Night Out II
Saturday, March 6, 2004
Skiing at Titus Mountain!
Meet: TBA
Contact Andres at orlandoa@clarkson.edu
- Dancing Lessons
Saturdays, 6pm - 8pm
Graham Hall Cafeteria
January 31, 2004:
Merengue February 7, 2004:
Merengue &
Bachata March 6, 2004:
Bachata &
*Click the links for a brief history of the
respective Dance
Note: Someone left behind Blue and White Adidas
Sneakers at the last
Dance Lessons (Feb. 7)
Contact Brian at
Salsa, Merengue, & Bachata Music soon to be posted
- National Technical Career Conference (NTCC)
Celebrate the Pearl Anniversary (30 years) of the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers, Inc., at the National Technical & Career Conference in Chicago, Illinois. NTCC, the largest technical Hispanic conference in the nation, concentrates on methods to promote engineering, mathematics and science for Hispanics, and is the premier event for SHPE. NTCC attracts thousands of Hispanic students, professionals, corporate representatives and community leaders from around the country.
January 6th, 2004 - January 10, 2004