A terminal emulator, terminal application, term, or tty for short, is a program that emulates a "dumb" video terminal within some other display architecture.
ISPF Interactive System Productivity Facility (ISPF) is the user interface and supporting programs that come with IBM's OS/390 operating system and that allow a company to configure and manage its system, add new system or application programs and test them, and access system files (data sets). ISPF consists of the Dialog Manager (DM), the Program Development Facility (PDF), and the Software Configuration and Library Management (SCLM) facility. ...
JCL (Job control language) A scripting language used for batch processing on IBM mainframes operating
JES Job Entry Subsystem - An IBM licensed program that receives jobs into the system and processes all output data produced by the jobs.
Is a powerful, user -friendly programming language used on the mainframe.
z/OS z/OS is a 64-bit server operating system from IBM. It is the successor to the IBM mainframe operating system OS/390, combining MVS and UNIX System Services (a POSIX-compliant mainframe implementation of UNIX formerly known as MVS Open Edition).