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The following basis sets and potentials were taken from:

L.A. LaJohn, P.A. Christiansen, R.B. Ross, T. Atashroo,
and W.C. Ermler, J. Chem. Phys., 87, 2812 (1987).

Zirconium Relativistic Effective Potential and Basis set including only the 5s and 4d subshells in the valence space. Note, the larger valence space potential will give more accurate results.

Basis Set

     Expn.      C      

s    0.2561     -0.530081
     0.1124      0.692920
     0.03449     0.713821

p    0.2972     -0.096318
     0.07240     0.754704
     0.02430     0.363648

d    1.600       0.099925
     0.7756      0.353666
     0.2949      0.509920
     0.09599     0.266583


     n   Expn.      C (AREP)    C (SO)

     2    0.677900  -60.998077
     2    0.792300  189.740233
     2    1.040600 -245.028447
s-f  2    1.446300  219.893110
     2    1.962000 -110.716156
     1    2.626600   24.828603
     0   10.835600    3.390291
     2    0.785600  139.578337    4.858703
     2    0.934000 -287.816413  -10.980110
     2    1.249400  279.625578    9.792876
p-f  2    1.772100 -194.228549   -5.769316
     2    2.471300  104.419594    1.746360
     1    7.062800   16.832501   -0.161376
     0    8.154900    5.690843    0.004182
     2    0.096700    0.000482   -0.000519
     2    0.241500   -0.176140   -0.001139
     2    2.063500  -43.042250   -0.433539
d-f  2    2.502600  130.940322    1.470026
     2    3.203600 -109.386761   -1.215887
     1    5.271200   13.357795    0.045891
     0    3.538100    6.978296   -0.004074
     2    0.508500   -0.653339   -0.006025
     2    1.259900   -5.426954    0.000160
f    2    3.859300  -15.365554   -0.081667
     2   12.275500  -64.252109   -0.105801
     1   38.517600  -23.127315    0.192044

Zirconium Relativistic Effective Potential and Basis set including the 4s and 4p subshells (as well as the 5s and 4d subshells) in the valence space.

Basis Set

     Expn.      C(n=4)     C(n=5)

                (-2.505)   (-0.2137)
s    1.854     -1.168530   0.428804
     1.164      1.391730  -0.562353
     0.3878     0.616047  -0.394842
     0.08328    0.006498   0.573362
     0.03336    0.000066   0.619956

p    3.506     -0.109515
     0.9009     0.693275
     0.3346     0.417792
     0.07240    0.017688
     0.02430   -0.002337

d    1.590      0.100175
     0.7796     0.352643
     0.2955     0.512250
     0.09587    0.264769


     n   Expn.      C (AREP)     C (SO)

     2    2.708600   51.153516
     2    3.236400 -166.172203
     2    4.534200  354.621204
s-f  2    6.973100 -347.428843
     2   10.917600  262.911128
     1   42.708700   44.855943
     0  158.059200    2.815951
     2    2.574000   53.143217    1.510335
     2    3.037500 -172.259283   -5.588297
     2    4.150300  357.748441   14.416253
p-f  2    6.214700 -387.610016  -20.150297
     2    9.403700  275.607935    8.878276
     1   29.282400   12.654269   -0.707308
     0   25.482100    5.289265    0.024302
     2    1.784100   35.592095    0.526537
     2    2.089700 -115.194685   -1.746915
     2    2.793300  225.525061    3.503645
d-f  2    4.069300 -291.767161   -4.367845
     2    5.940600  232.368449    2.224672
     1   18.744400   11.239657   -0.144484
     0   16.136800    7.275838    0.008786
     2    1.965600   -0.277783   -0.007964
     2    4.826400   -6.661807   -0.110436
f    2   12.264600  -38.946832    0.162512
     2   38.000300  -86.413576   -0.116629
     1  114.343600  -20.213284    0.600378