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The following basis sets and potentials were taken from:

L.A. LaJohn, P.A. Christiansen, R.B. Ross, T. Atashroo,
and W.C. Ermler, J. Chem. Phys., 87, 2812 (1987).

Strontium Relativistic Effective Potential and Basis set including the 4s and 4p subshells (as well as the 5s and 4d subshells) in the valence space.

Basis Set
     Expn.      C(n=4)     C(n=5)

                (-1.947)   (-0.1801)
s    1.553     -1.309874   0.442039
     1.071      1.412075  -0.501084
     0.3344     0.730352  -0.435879
     0.05818    0.019417   0.585721
     0.02567   -0.005776   0.583734

p    3.004     -0.100420
     0.7418    -0.617958
     0.2801     0.481302
     0.05700    0.033962
     0.02220   -0.008407
     n   Expn.      C (AREP)    C (SO)  

     2    2.446700   53.589866
     2    2.867800 -172.082179
     2    3.866100  345.585923
s-f  2    5.660700 -351.221705
     2    8.307900  257.342853
     1   23.495200   12.917092
     0   21.033800    6.334494
     2    2.209500   49.151226    1.236223
     2    2.584400 -158.825817   -4.559908
     2    3.468400  320.084636   11.510359
p-f  2    5.064300 -349.107690  -15.687347
     2    7.379600  239.329916    6.815280
     1   22.227100   11.864199   -0.554722
     0   19.918100    5.338598    0.019772
     2    1.407300   32.675723    0.542235
     2    1.624200 -103.221339   -1.693203
     2    2.117500  193.276499    2.967187
d-f  2    2.972400 -248.633031   -3.280326
     2    4.118000  183.395661    1.529170
     1   12.523900   10.146319   -0.073833
     0   10.882700    7.381358    0.005112
     2    2.234000   -1.161875   -0.008623
     2    5.671000  -13.374000   -0.048080
f    2   13.881800  -43.236592    0.240811
     2   44.810600 -100.099034   -0.058223
     1  132.902600  -20.518131    0.671892