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The following basis sets and potentials were taken from:

L.A. LaJohn, P.A. Christiansen, R.B. Ross, T. Atashroo,
and W.C. Ermler, J. Chem. Phys., 87, 2812 (1987).

Palladium Relativistic Effective Potential and Basis set including only the 5s and 4d subshells in the valence space. Note, the larger valence space potential will give more accurate results.

Basis Set

     Expn.       C      

s    0.4542     -0.370498
     0.1720      0.437299
     0.0484      0.823803

p    0.7368     -0.029964
     0.0899      0.351493
     0.0262      0.742843

d    2.3252      0.278132
     1.0020      0.437576
     0.4032      0.365623
     0.1452      0.150072


     n   Expn.       C (AREP)    C (SO)
     2    1.567800  170.326366
     2    1.892900 -308.215210
s-f  2    2.563700  278.719707
     2    3.516400 -136.468624
     1    4.761600   32.850061
     0   18.320700    3.320018
     2    1.107400  104.993040    7.527888
     2    1.344400 -201.673979  -20.132737
     2    1.823200  191.113688   25.207491
p-f  2    2.478200  -89.625848  -14.621821
     1    3.498100   28.297565    1.192702
     0   12.457300    5.313970   -0.121985
     2    0.252000   -0.061951   -0.004921
     2    0.690400   -1.105036    0.055432
d-f  2    1.756100  -16.169296    0.447272
     2    2.830600   17.753338    0.422425
     1    1.046000    6.824406   -0.333877
     0   10.499600    7.955712    0.015067
     2    0.988100   -1.461148   -0.012775
f    2    2.629400   -9.507231    0.015021
     2   10.258200  -41.770365   -0.233567
     1   29.559200  -21.681323    0.189625

Palladium Relativistic Effective Potential and Basis Set including the 4s and 4p subshells (as well as the 5d and 4d subshells) in the valence space.

Basis Set

     Expn.      C(n=4)     C(n=5)

                (-3.992)   (-0.2362)
s    3.317     -0.740352   0.231761
     1.433      1.202500  -0.457635
     0.5058     0.375150  -0.218317
     0.1186    -0.002014   0.502596
     0.04140    0.001267   0.664771

p    5.085     -0.135564
     1.560      0.717916
     0.5804     0.416136
     0.0899     0.017995
     0.02620   -0.004818

d    2.793      0.122500
     1.553      0.359743
     0.6220     0.476285
     0.2038     0.263939


     n   Expn.       C (AREP)    C (SO)
     2    2.481300  -27.054084
     2    2.936200   88.655935
     2    3.974200 -175.509402
s-f  2    6.023400  342.640711
     2    9.197200 -222.098434
     1   13.764400   51.816747
     0   89.989000    2.823146
     2    2.391500  -28.743251    0.076277
     2    2.835900   94.628592    0.589428
     2    3.849900 -189.179204   -4.297993
p-f  2    5.860500  380.367802   16.707622
     2    9.151000 -312.481483  -22.027851
     1   13.945600   56.351270    0.761899
     0  101.214100    4.310763   -0.083578
     2    2.882600   39.281277    0.769069
     2    3.440200 -129.231515   -2.576827
     2    4.775400  269.753534    5.523944
d-f  2    7.295900 -337.919089   -7.090298
     2   11.606000  324.829609    3.717888
     1   36.106900   13.184741   -0.267966
     0   30.479700    7.198914    0.012076
     2    5.793500   -3.679867   -0.021326
     2   15.972600  -39.081153    0.064567
f    2   44.469400  -84.869286    0.835144
     2  151.291600 -237.439934    2.049354
     1  516.648200  -25.764206    3.029412