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The following basis sets and potentials were taken from:

S.A. Wildman, G.A. Dilabio, P.A. Christiansen
J. Chem. Phys., 107, 9975 (1997).

Lead Relativistic Effective Potential and Basis set including the 5d, 6s, and 6p subshells in the valence space.

Basis Set

     Expn.      C

     1.3701     0.222735
     0.8519    -0.842802
s    0.4166     0.492873
     0.1479     0.768818
     0.0605     0.215591
     4.8296     0.002472
     0.6014     0.225494
p    0.3440    -0.331615
     0.1212    -0.602344
     0.0460    -0.330817
     9.3673    -0.024038
     1.8222     0.446278
d    0.8320     0.436857
     0.3938     0.220573
     0.1734     0.051072
     0.0450     0.001009


     n     Expn.      C (AREP)      C (SO)

     2     1.062500   47.011568
     2     1.220000 -150.280353
     2     1.592200  296.721912
s-g  2     2.253500 -329.094800
     2     3.333000  294.298285
     2     4.800900 -129.212176
     1     7.994100   57.000569
     0    28.337500    6.334060

     2     0.584400    5.428823     0.241215
     2     0.824800  -55.369498    -4.517451
     2     1.059400  155.102327    18.476583
p-g  2     1.457400 -181.358791   -25.542129
     2     1.951000  120.056170     9.054347
     2     7.818200   90.856500    -7.275813
     1    16.135400   55.171827    -0.531209
     0    42.822500    5.609916    -0.137428
     2     0.498400   -0.188154    -0.116338
     2     1.641100  -29.672622     9.504609
     2     1.989800   87.248523   -22.196965
d-g  2     2.725000 -153.771260    22.395242
     2     4.033000  256.456261    -9.767153
     2     5.825200 -168.929495    -1.674592
     1     9.520300   65.025905     0.153971
     0    44.422300    6.776294    -0.033085
     2     0.964600  -32.728402     0.475052
     2     1.112200  105.855655    -1.457681
     2     1.456800 -218.511396     2.369228
f-g  2     2.103100  337.182341    -2.478909
     2     3.186900 -287.691706     1.484956
     2     4.836100  219.622053    -0.471627
     1    15.069200   76.835774     0.033935
     0    50.966900    8.684802    -0.002620
     2     1.305800   -1.453792    -0.043570
     2     3.128400  -12.677284     0.121483
g    2     9.255100  -51.687993    -0.272125
     2    23.063700 -136.880727     1.142654
     2    79.272900 -369.916103     0.519106
     1   253.830600  -54.614387     3.491015