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The following basis sets and potentials were taken from:

R.B. Ross, J.M. Powers, T. Atashroo, W.C. Ermler, L.A. LaJohn,
and P.A. Christiansen, J. Chem. Phys., 93, 6654 (1990).

Cesium Relativistic Effective Potential and Basis set including the 5s, 6s, and 5p subshells in the valence space.

Basis Set
    Expn.	C(n=5)		C(n=6)

                (-1.30343)	(-0.1279)
    0.8433	 -1.4842	  0.4424
    0.5655	  1.7399	 -0.5453
s   0.1766	  0.5763	 -0.3614
    0.0327	 -0.0012	  0.4468
    0.0167	  0.0032	  0.7046

    1.4640	 -0.1569
    0.4231	  0.6738
p   0.1560	  0.4661
    0.0279	  0.0212
    0.0113	 -0.0060

    1.6150	 -0.0066
d   0.4547	  0.0695
    0.1690	  0.2755
    0.0307	  0.8572

     n     Expn.      C (AREP)      C (SO)

     2    1.385300   42.854669
     2    1.632400 -138.009021
     2    2.205800  275.999609
s-f  2    3.221500 -280.456647
     2    4.649600  199.820395
     1   15.152500   27.730966
     0   19.000500    3.768706
     2    1.259500   48.662510    0.865372
     2    1.441700 -145.705262   -3.982190
     2    1.876400  264.463683   12.426114
p-f  2    2.657500 -279.851596  -17.331153
     2    3.638700  184.355848    6.229657
     1   10.653200   23.300019   -1.394217
     0   14.680600    5.767929    0.034679
     2    0.768100   34.860726    0.137975
     2    0.874600 -106.793031   -1.014165
     2    1.107700  188.235327    3.320378
d-f  2    1.482300 -217.639923   -4.864739
     2    1.920200  137.745596    2.482665
     1    6.218300   34.424188   -0.109140
     0   17.388100    7.198752    0.010959
     2    0.938500   -0.789167   -0.018847
     2    2.316300   -8.421158    0.026378
f    2    6.007300  -30.985443    0.061300
     2   20.379700  -95.034777   -0.141478
     1   59.328900  -30.079603    0.436695