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The following basis sets and potentials were taken from:

R.B. Ross, J.M. Powers, T. Atashroo, W.C. Ermler, L.A. LaJohn,
and P.A. Christiansen, J. Chem. Phys., 93, 6654 (1990).

Gold Relativistic Effective Potential and Basis set including the 5d, 6s, and 6p subshells in the valence space. Note, the larger valence space potential will give more accurate results.

Basis Set

     Expn.	C(n=5)		C(n=6)

     0.4409			-0.7478
s    0.2626			 0.8176
     0.0617			 0.8113

     0.6642			-0.0459
p    0.1073			 0.3778
     0.0318			 0.7233

     1.3517	 0.4787
d    0.5149	 0.4582
     0.1994	 0.2203
     0.0776	 0.0412


     n     Expn.      C (AREP)      C (SO)

     2    1.224800  -84.969303
     2    1.433600  280.177643
     2    1.892900 -354.643566
s-g  2    2.696300  334.331909
     2    3.989900 -219.392605
     2    6.005500  170.858744
     1   14.582600   56.338731
     0   39.310700    6.409300
     2    0.906400   -6.911901   15.779047
     2    1.031100   72.125463  -23.146780
     2    1.328700 -114.975335    3.512895
p-g  2    1.903700  123.616682   12.024899
     2    2.836400  -71.135709  -12.913723
     2    4.588400   79.016603    6.283896
     1   11.198100   51.287008   -0.405461
     0   32.295700    5.651983    0.054812

     2    0.293100   -0.113657   -0.016533
     2    1.030100   -2.404025    0.328001
     2    2.018600   62.581116  -11.521077
d-g  2    3.439200  255.447176  -32.439090
     2    5.157900 -161.806480   18.860086
     2    2.514900 -175.770760   29.831210
     1    8.062400   63.620792   -0.309918
     0   41.028500    6.750320    0.072853
     2    0.433500  -47.607799   -0.895041
     2    0.509700  176.318029    3.139580
     2    0.579600 -168.676897   -2.813752
f-g  2    0.771100   54.492446    0.687538
     2    2.593500   37.715393   -0.284013
     2    8.390700  -24.139676   -1.292557
     1    6.929400   49.168024    0.129708
     0   22.258900    4.759586   -0.005240
     2    0.965700   -0.986902   -0.036453
     2    2.290400   -9.686306    0.089980
g    2    6.438400  -32.572463   -0.136746
     2   16.364600 -118.530878    0.451632
     2   55.989300 -286.254646    0.371907
     1  171.101400  -51.274231    2.242298

Gold Relativistic Effective Potential and Basis set including the 5s, 5p, 5d, and 6s subshells in the valence space.

Basis Set

     Expn.	C(n=5)		C(n=6)

		(-4.6678)	(-0.2909)
     2.4651	 -2.9981	  1.2599
     1.9431	  3.3848	 -1.5250
s    0.5613	  0.4361	 -0.2533
     0.1452	 -0.0106	  0.6171
     0.05039	  0.0050	  0.5872

     3.5306	 -0.6687
     2.6122	  0.7926
p    0.9813	  0.6759
     0.4266	  0.1617
     0.1475	  0.0160

     1.3366	  0.4879
     0.5035	  0.4579
d    0.1940	  0.2138
     0.07560	  0.0384


     n     Expn.      C (AREP)      C (SO)

     2    2.816200  -45.118439
     2    3.120300  109.247827
     2    4.162400 -184.758650
s-g  2    6.388200  436.133473
     2   10.120000 -356.462799
     2   17.046500  411.842418
     1   50.503300   31.952589
     0   39.282400    6.791678
     2    2.415700  -30.624157   10.415569
     2    2.792100  101.119666  -27.586952
     2    3.677000 -210.514472   33.656782
p-g  2    5.373600  435.373129   -8.510471
     2    8.370000 -396.144495  -22.562340
     2   13.323300  368.873147   11.720116
     1   37.159800   31.593674   -2.729248
     0   37.422200    5.838805    0.078485
     2    1.873900  -34.109121    1.020373
     2    2.118700  100.587500   -1.781020
     2    2.693600 -172.305668   -0.987213
d-g  2    3.816400  290.822376   10.584266
     2    5.697400 -292.964286  -18.154486
     2    8.629600  275.677905   10.498401
     1   19.680200   30.370059   -0.745309
     0   25.986600    7.862033    0.038670
     2    1.431500   40.061376    1.651430
     2    1.654500 -128.386305   -5.279341
     2    2.163000  247.771395   10.096002
f-g  2    3.087200 -342.548797  -13.609561
     2    4.657400  359.275494   11.217489
     2    6.904200 -182.274949   -4.892741
     1   10.147800   53.491305    0.114340
     0   47.025800    4.280362   -0.011211
     2    2.070700   -0.908203   -0.013996
     2    5.287800  -13.972860    0.017369
g    2   13.286100  -78.045937    0.149750
     2   38.225000 -150.670137    1.203483
     2  120.829500 -433.793234    3.233048
     1  415.273300  -53.924618    5.353820