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The following basis sets and potentials were taken from:

S.A. Wildman, G.A. Dilabio, P.A. Christiansen
J. Chem. Phys., 107, 9975 (1997).

Astatine Relativistic Effective Potential and Basis set including the 5d, 6s, and 6p subshells in the valence space.

Basis Set

     Expn.      C

     1.5174     1.038345
     1.1885    -2.140831
s    0.7825     0.804315
     0.2431     0.866446
     0.0990     0.263812
     0.7923    -0.344044
     0.7497    -0.378947
p    0.4811     0.537372
     0.1740     0.596442
     0.0677     0.267034
    10.6892    -0.026080
     2.1042     0.508797
d    1.0604     0.301391
     0.7040     0.225781
     0.3174     0.092400


     n     Expn.      C (AREP)      C (SO)

     2     0.863200  -28.784761
     2     0.986000   91.869817
     2     1.254500 -171.767891
s-g  2     1.738500  288.581302
     2     2.511600 -282.741759
     2     3.509900  193.831532
     1    11.905600   60.533047
     0    36.683500    6.454091
     2     0.815800   19.098213     2.267163
     2     1.008300  -78.975162   -11.147359
     2     1.365300  189.909183    34.242388
p-g  2     1.975500 -219.775916   -51.648025
     2     2.977200  209.752267    35.113618
     2     4.518300 -106.634672   -17.238380
     1     6.326200   50.821807    -1.874728
     0    19.149600    5.912698    -0.266804
     2     1.428500   19.158437    -5.985128
     2     1.656800  -66.413133    12.594421
     2     2.176300  123.574461   -10.432244
d-g  2     3.091600 -194.423255     3.014091
     2     4.704500  315.387202    10.373985
     2     7.036200 -219.054133   -14.705280
     1    11.048600   72.728372     0.750771
     0    56.832000    6.666294    -0.085221
     2     0.908900   11.030879    -0.456554
     2     0.986900  -21.478944     0.645426
     2     2.078200 -120.173773    -1.942289
f-g  2     2.868500  193.261399     6.550448
     2     4.240100 -275.963742    -8.841885
     2     5.989100  151.883497     4.719321
     1     1.227700   40.771785    -0.171394
     0    19.356000    4.814267     0.003621

     2     1.608900   -1.426751    -0.089985
     2     3.948300  -15.617010     0.164544
g    2    11.940700  -67.952366    -0.101286
     2    30.225900 -154.699368     1.240370
     2   102.265400 -440.223899     2.053376
     1   339.275100  -57.924831     4.729155