General Information
- Challenge students to think critically about the role of data and algorithms in society
- Expose students to current research literature
- Teach students to critcially evaluate research papers
- Give students an understanding of what it means to do research in the highly multidisclipinary intersection between computing and society
- Work on a research project with potential for publication
- Students will learn to read and critique research papers.
- Students will be familiar with the emerging field of Fairness, Accountability and Transparency in Machine Learning including current literature in key publication venues.
- Students will assemble a portfolio of reactions to research literature that include critical observations and identification of work that could be done to extend the work.
- Students will propose publishable research projects that they themselves have the skills to complete.
- Students will make substantial contributions to a group or individual research project.
- Students will think critically about the role of data and algorithms in society.
- Students will think critically about how AI and automated systems are changing the nature of societal decision making in high stakes areas like hiring, criminal justice and the allocation of public resources.
Participation in class discussions is an essential part of this class so attendance is required and the papers must be read prior to the class period.Late Work
This is a small class and I expect to solicit group input when setting deadlines. Once set, I expect everyone to meet the deadlines.Tentative Grading Scheme
- 30% Attendance/Active Class Discussion/Quizzes on the Reading
- 15% Written Reactions to Readings/Course Materials
- 5% Lead Paper Discussion(s)
- 25% Final
- 25% Research Project (Written document and presentation)
Conferences To Follow
- FAT *
- AIES (AI, Ethics and Society)
- DAT workshop
- NeurIPS
- Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD)
- Big Data and Society