- jnm at clarkson dot edu
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Bio Paragraphs
- Computer Science (short)
- Computer Science (long)
- Español (Computer science, medium)
- Art
- Head/Shoulders (51K)
- Full (782K)
Pronouns: she/her/hers
- Office:
- 389 Science Center
- Department of Computer Science
- Division of Mathematics and Computer Science
- Clarkson University
- 8 Clarkson Avenue, MS 5815
- Potsdam, NY 13699
- (315) 268-6288
- FAX: (315) 268-2371
Other Links
Personal Page
Google Scholar
ACM Digital Library
Semantic Scholar
Web of Science
Research Gate
Amazon author page
Muck Rack
Clarkson Applied Computing Laboratories
Clarkson University's Applied Computer Science Labs
Clarkson Open Source Institute
Running Xen: A Hands-On Guide to the Art of Virtualization
Computer Networking Internet Protocols In Action
CNIPIA: Amazon Reviews
CNIPIA: Barnes and Nobles Reviews
CNIPIA: Review on TaoSecurity
High Performance Mass Storage and Parallel I/O: Technologies and Applications
Photography, Dance, Poetry
Photography Portfolio
You and I in Spanish , Chiricù: The Politics of Language
2015 Members' Juried Art Exhibit at Frederic Remington Art Museum , Intimacy, Brasov
2014 NYS Juried Art Exhibit at Frederic Remington Art Museum, Stand-off at the Frontline
Async Arts: Video , More information
SLCArts Council's Arts 4 Art's Sake April 30 2020
SLCArts Council's Arts 4 Art's Sake April 13 2020
Salsa!: Interview on NCPR (10/31/2013)
Professional Service
NSF Directorate for Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE) Advisory Committee , 2023-2026
IEEE-USA AI Policy Committee
ACM Technology Policy Council (ACM TPC)
ACM US Technology Policy Committee (ACM US-TPC)
Communications of the ACM (CACM), Opinions Co-Chair
ACM Council (2016 to 2024)
ACM's Special Interest Group on Operating Systems (SIGOPS), Chair (2011 to 2015)
Virtual Conferences , ACM Presidential Task Force, Co-Chair.
Computer and Network Security
Fairness, Accountability and Transparency in AI and Automated Systems
Operating Systems
Computing, Ethics, and Society
Computer Networking
Advanced Topics In Computer Security
Advanced Topics In Operating Systems
Advanced Topics In Computer Networking
Wireless Networking
Introduction to Computer Science
Software Design and Development
Project Challenge
Multidisciplinary Projects: Clarkson Open Source Institute
Multidisciplinary Projects: Clarkson Internet Teaching Laboratory
Operating Systems (Cornell)
Computer Networking (Cornell)
Study Abroad and other special teaching
2017 Adirondack Semester: Big Data and the Adirondacks, Spring 2017
2017 Dominican Republic: UNIV 349, Global Service Learning
2015 Dominican Republic: UNIV 349, Global Service Learning
2014 St. Lawrence Seaway: Power, Politics and the Mighty St. Lawrence
2014 Brazil: UNIV 399, Global Business
2013 Mexico: Origins of Mathematics
Award Winners
Clarkson Winners In IBM Developer Works
Jeanna's Story:Hands-on experience and historical perspective on research are key to teaching Linux
VMware Ultimate Virtual Appliance Challenge 2006 Collegiate Category (PDF, orig URL )
Unisys Tuxmaster 2005 ( orig URL)
First Place Winners
First and Second Place Teams
All Clarkson Entries
Newsforge article, 9/13/2005.
Information Week article, 10/19/2005.
2005 IBM North America Grid Scholars Challenge
IBM Linux Challenge 2004
IBM Linux Challenge 2002
IBM Linux Challenge 2001
Kernel Trap:Clarkson University, Linux Kernel Developer Hotbed?
2021 Virtual Film Series @Clarkson
Old Experiments in Radio: Common Sense Computing
Public Radio Exchange