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Sponsors: Elforsk and Lulea University
R.A.: D.J. Kerr
Collaborators: L. Hammar, Elforsk; P. Andreasson, Lulea U.; S. Daly CRREL

River ice processes occured during the freeze-up period are studied. Freeze-up processes include frazil formation and evolution, anchor ice formation and growth, ice pan formation mechanisms and factors governing the types of freeze-up ice runs are not well understood. These processes have many engineering and ecological implications. The understandings on these processes are limited. Analytical and laboratory studies are carried out in this study.

anchor.jpg (81876 bytes) Frazil and Anchor Ice Study (click to see more)

Selected Publications:

  1. Shen, H.T. (1996) "River ice processes - state of research,'' Keynote Lecture, V.III, Proc., IAHR Ice Symposium, Beijing, China, 825-833.
  2. Hammar, L., and Shen, H.T. (1995) "Frazil evolution in channels,'' J. of Hydraulic Research, 33(3), 291-306.
  3. Kerr, D.J., Shen, H.T., and Daly, S.F. (1997) "Anchor ice formation and growth on gravel channel bed,'' Proc., 9th Workshop on River Ice, Fredericton, 153-171.
  4. Andreasson, P., Hammar, L., and Shen, H.T. (1998) "Influence of surface turbulence on ice pan formation,'' V.I, Proc., 14th IAHR Ice Symposium, Potsdam, NY.
  5. Shen, H.T., and Wang, D.-S. (1995) "Undercover Transport and accumulation of frazil granules," J. of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, 121(2), 184-195.