direct journal links will only work if your library has subscriptions.
10. K.A. Assiongbon and D. Roy
Electro-oxidation of methanol on gold in alkaline media: Adsorption characteristics of reaction intermediates studied using time resolved electro-chemical impedance and surface plasmon resonance techniques
Surface Science, 594, (2005), 99-119
9. V. R. K. Gorantla, K. A. Assiongbon, S. V. Babu, D. Roy, "Citric acid as a complexing agent in chemical-mechanical planarization of copper: Investigation of surface reactions using impedance spectroscopy", J. Electrochem. Soc., 152, (2005) G404–G410.
8. D.C. Bradford, E. Hutter, K.A. Assiongbon, J.H. Fendler and D. Roy,
"Infrared Ellipsometry of Self-Assembled Octadecylmercaptan on Gold Films
and Nanoislands: Effects of Thickness and Morphology of the Gold Layer",
Journal of Physical Chemistry B 108 (2004) 17523-17530.
K. A. Assiongbon, S. B. Emery, C. M. Pettit, S. V. Babu and D. Roy,
"Chemical Roles of Peroxide-Based Alkaline Slurries in Chemical.Mechanical
Polishing of Ta: Investigation of Surface Reactions Using Time-Resolved
Impedance Spectroscopy", Materials Chemistry and Physics 86
(2004) 347-357.
C. M. Pettit, K. A. Assiongbon, J. E. Garland and D. Roy ,
"Time Resolved Detection of Electrochemical Effects by Surface Plasmon
Resonance Measurements: A Simple Technique Using a Large Area Single Cell
Sensors and Actuators B 96 (2003) 105-113.
E. Hutter, K.A. Assiongbon, J.H. Fendler and D. Roy,
"Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy Using Polarization Modulation
and Polarization Selective Geometries: Investigation of Self-Assembled
Octadecylmercaptan on a Thin Gold Film", Journal of Physical Chemistry
B 107 (2003) 7812-7819.
J. E. Garland, K. A. Assiongbon, C. M. Pettit and D. Roy,
"Surface Plasmon Resonance Transients at an Electrochemical Interface:
Time Resolved Measurements Using a Bicell Photodiode",
Analytica Chimica Acta 475 (2003) 47-58.
C. M. Pettit, J. E. Garland, N. R. Etukudo, K. A. Assiongbon, S. B. Emery
and D. Roy, "Electrodeposition of Indium on Molybdenum Studied with
Optical Second Harmonic Generation and Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy",
Applied Surface Science 202 (2002) 33-46.
M.J. Walters, K.A. Assiongbon, D.R. Marr, B.T. Shepardson and D. Roy,
"Enhancement of Electrocatalytic Hydrogen Evoluation on Tantalum by Sub-Monolayer
Electrodeposition of Silver",
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 28 (2002) 275-285.
J.E. Garland, K. A. Assiongbon, C.M. Pettit, S.B. Emery and D. Roy,
"Kinetic analysis of Electrosorption using Fast Fourier Transform Electrochemical
Impedance spectroscopy: Underpotential Deposition of Bi3+ In
The Presence of Coadsorbing ClO4- on Gold",
Electrochimica Acta 47 (2002) 4113-4124.
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