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page 8, line 20: proportional to the square of the distance
page 26, line 2 below Equation (2.2.8): dimensions of force per unit volume
page 41, Figure 2.6.3: lower case phi
page 71, Equation (3.3.38): replace "xsi" in the third (last) term on the right side by xsi cos(theta)
page 116, line 2 below Equation (4.7.5): Ferrers'
page 172, line 3 from the bottom: Primes are missing from the symbol for temperature in two places
page 231, lines 4 and 5 below Equation (5.1.5): The "<" and ">" signs should be reversed in order.
page 430, Equation (9.6.24): In the infinite sum, the exponent should be minus n x chi x eta


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ZBL Math. (2002) 74, 885
Chem. Ingr. Tech. (2002) 74, 885
Appl. Mech. Reviews
(2002) 55, no. 3, B56-57
Current Engineering Practice (2003)

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