Internet Teaching Laboratory

Linux Build

This semester I put together the linux operating system that's on the lab computers. I chose to use Ubuntu Linux as the base for the build. Ubuntu is the same operating system that was used last semester, and I chose to stick with it because it's easy and simple to maintain.

There were a couple of decisions to be made with the build, apart from what operating system to use. I chose not to incorporate the AFS system in with the build (like COSI has) because doing so limits users to a 50mb cache while working on the computer. This is not a realistic limit, especially when people are using wireshark to do traces or even simple web browsing that fills up the cache quickly.

I put a lot of effort into making the computers user friendly and as accessible as I can. That way when somebody comes into the lab to use a computer, they can get their work done even if they've never used linux before. And hopefully they can learn to like it a little better as well.

Other Learning

Apart from putting together the build, I learned a lot about Linux this semester. I spend a lot of time outside the lab putting together builds of my own on my computer, and as a result I learn a lot. I now understand a lot more about the general Linux architecture, as well as the X windows system, configuring it, and modifying it.

There's still a lot of things I'd like to learn about, and more things to incorporate into the build next semester.

  1. Shell scripting.
  2. More about the architecture of a linux system.
  3. Give users accounts on the storage server.
  4. More streamlining of the interface.
  5. Easier access to the AFS directories.