Pat Wilbur
ITL Project Page
Fall 2006
Welcome to my ITL page. Here I will discuss the various projects I'm working on.
Port Knocking
Port Knocking Project Page
- Gave a presentation during an ITL meeting discussing my project
- Presented Port Knocking project at an Mathematical Association of America conference at Marist College in Poughkeepsie, NY
(click here for more information)
- Would like to install it on our hacked router - anyone involved in hacking it interested in helping?
- Preparing to do some real testing over a harsher environment (the Internet) to see if our hypothesis that
RDOS Attack on
- Worked with Chris Peterman on discovering and preventing further misuse following a RDOS attack an attacker was using mirror to assist with.
- Gave a presentation about RDOS and the specific attack that mirror was a part of at an ITL meeting
- For more information about RDOS, please visit
Lab & Server Maintenance
- Came up to Clarkson early to help labs move in, where we moved around and installed furniture and equipment,
performed lots of planning, and ran a bit of network cable (not to mention climbing on ladders and doing difficult work a few times
- Got things situated
- Working on finishing a reliable, incremental backup model for and other important servers
- Implementing a redundant archive at www/projects/cosi space in case vanishes someday along with our backups (and
doing so similarly for ITL, VR, and Applied CS)
- Fixing
- Fixed bandwidth issues with mirror
- Fixed an issue with attackers using mirror for RDOS attacks on other hosts
- Finishing the transition of mirror to new hardware
- Working with the other "Admins" to hopefully get lab arrangement, networking, power, and servers all hooked up over winter break
- Pulled 4 all-nighters just doing lab-related management things, not homework or personal projects
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