File Exchange Protocols and Zero Configuration Networking

Recent News

12/13: Term Paper, 2nd Revision

12/11: Ethereal Traces Updated

12/6: ZCN Presentation, ITL

11/20: Term Paper, 1st Revision

10/20: Term Paper, Version 1

An Indepedent Study by James Werner
Graduate Student - MS in IT, Clarkson University

The purpose of this independent study is to research, analyze, compare, and contrast the various file exchange protocols and the method of zero configuration networking. The responsiblities for the project include:

12/11 Project Report Update

The final paper will be posted under the Term Paper link by Wednesday, 12/13. I have finished retracing AFP over DNS, FTP, and SMB, all of which can be found under Ethereal Traces (these files are quite large, as they contain full details of the traces).

©2006 James Werner, Clarkson University