Chris Peterman's MP352 Page
Major: Computer Science Information
Technology Option
Year: Junior
Lab Hours: MWF 1100-1200
Listening and Learning
Mailing Lists: Right now I am subscribed to the Apache-Users, ArchLinux, Debian Announce, Debian Mentors, Debian New Maintainers, Debian News, KDE Announce, KDE General, KDE Linux, Linux Kernel, PHP General, Perl Beginners, Ruby Talk, Ubuntu Devel, Ubuntu Users, Ubuntu Announce, and the Xen Users mailing lists
Newsfeeds: In addition I am subscribed to the FSF News, Distrowatch News, Slashdot, KDE-Apps Content, Planet KDE, KDE Dot News, Planet Ruby, Rubyforge Project News, O'Rielly Ruby, Ruby Inside, Planet Perl,, PHP, US-CERT Cyber Security Alerts, and the W3C's newsfeeds